Happy Takes Time


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Many ask, how long does it take before the person of my dreams finally enters my life? That is not an easy question.  Timing is everything and again, Happy takes time.  Then too, timing is different for everyone.  Some people have found love at first sight, others are childhood sweethearts, some experience one or several failed relationships or marriages before they find their true love or soulmate; and for others, it never happens outside of themselves.  In my case, it took 10 years in a failed first marriage and another 10 years living in solitude before I found what I believe is my truest form of happiness with my now husband, Nathaniel.  Yes, the time I took off to spend with myself seemed an eternity.  I first had to exit an unhealthy marriage with two children in tow. I then set out to find myself and nurture us all.  I admit it was no easy task. I was a woman scorned and trusted no one.  Being alone was a safe place and I embraced it.  I placed no limits or timeline for my healing process and in the end, I learned I was my greatest love of all.


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