How did you become a part of the project, Happy Takes Time?

I became a part of this project through my wife’s vision, her desire and my understanding of her wish to express to people in active relationships or developing relationships that the effort to reach happiness takes time on both parts. 


Who is your target audience and what impact do you think Happy Takes Time will have on its readers?

Our target audience are those who are impatient in their relationship yet happiness and love is their ultimate goal.  People seeking relationships need to know that if you take the time to learn your needs and your mate’s needs you will discover that which you truly want is in front of you.  Yes, there are non-negotiables and negotiables in relationships, but know what they are before you think you have found the one.  The struggle is trying to make compatibility where there is none.  However, when you find the negotiables in a person that closely fit the things you have been seeking in a relationship, let it grow.  You will never get 100% but if the fit is close, there are those things you want and desire that you can happily build on.


Why do you think relationships fail or succeed?

Relationships fail because people have high expectations and they fall short.  Lack of communication ruins many relationships too.  People do not realize that communicating with one another honestly really matters.  They also fail in relationships because once you send in the representative for the initial meeting it is never genuine.  You are not connecting with whom you think you are set up to meet and vice versa. As time goes on the real person arrives, although they should have arrived in the beginning.  The guard comes down and the true you/them always shows up.  You cannot pretend when seeking the real thing. You have to come as you are and let the truth unfold.   Otherwise, the cycle never ends and you are never truly ready for Happy.


What advice do you have for those seeking a happy healthy relationship?

Be willing to give of your true self.  If you are not ready, do not approach the situation.  There is no time to hold back when seeking a real happy relationship.  You have to come with the willingness to commit, accept mistakes and grow together.  I am no relationship expert, but for me, it is like my day job.  You do not benefit or collect payment if you do not show up every day ready to do the job the right way.  Love deserves the same energy, if not more.  You are just working for a different kind of paycheck/paper.  Treat your relationship with the same effort and energy as your day job if you are ready for it or leave it alone.  It is a good feeling knowing that the person that you are building with is making the same investment.  That way, the business/relationship that you are in together is happy, healthy and prospers.  When you nourish the relationship properly, you will always reap the benefits of your investment in love.